Watch the entire JODI project unfold on the Discovery Channel "Dino Hunters". This was an amazing project for our group. As with all of our scientifically significant specimens, JODI is now in the process of being acquired by an academic institution where its full scientific potential will be realized. As always, it is our groups purpose to discover and professionally collect and preserve/record all data from the specimen and site so that the academic Paleontologists can do their thing to further the understanding of Dinosauria!
Below are links to the first three episodes from Dino Hunters. You can view on Discovery Go app. Follow Clayton Phipps and our team as we progress on the JODI Project.
In 2019, our group unearthed a very special dinosaur specimen. Named "JODI" after the person who discovered it, this specimen is amazing! This is the only major project our group worked on in 2019, mainly due the excessive amount of rain we received that season. This specimen is also special because our group had the opportunity to have the entire process from discovery through preparation at the CKP facility documented by a professional production company. We are anxiously awaiting its unveiling on television in 2020. We will update this section as that unfolds.

Now that's a proper jacket! What's in that Massive Jacket? Coming Soon!